Increase Your Energy & Focus as a Freelancer
Freelancing isn't a fairytale. Just ask a freelancer. For the most part, freelancing consists of tough, exhausting days spent working to the limit. Is the lifestyle flexible? Sure. Is it independent? For the most part. But it sure isn't restful. If you're a freelancer (or thinking of trying the lifestyle out), here are a few tips and hacks to help you stay focused and keep your energy up through the long, grueling days that will inevitably come at times. Eat the Right Food Many freelancers work from home and on their own schedules. When this happens, it's easy to get distracted by things like food. You may find yourself snacking too often, skipping meals, and even simply making poor food choices. This can cripple your ability to focus and sustain your energy. Believe it or not, skipping breakfast, drinking six cups of coffee, and then downing some Cheetos for lunch is not a recipe for cognitive focus or physical gusto. Instead, take some time to learn about healthy eat...